Wednesday, February 27, 2008

newest stuff...

Here's this newest sketch that I played with again in illustrator. 

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

not too much

so i haven't been able to sketch a lot lately but i did start a sketch of tinkerbell on a leaf. then with what i had scanned in i tried my lessons from the site from last week. this is what i got.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wishing it Spring

So I really haven't been doing too much in my sketchbook to be honest. I've been going through a lot lately with my family and my health. Things just haven't been good. I suppose I could use those emotions to influence more sketching but instead I put those emotions to use at work and getting the job done instead. Sorry this post is so short like I said I'm going through a lot and I'm pretty much exhausted. See you all in class on Monday I hope.
- .aMy.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Snowstorms and Sketch Doodles

The other day we experienced a snowstorm that closed the school. So in my newfound spare time I doodled in my sketchbook starting with its snowing and the snowman. This is what resulted.

Sour Stomach for the Super Bowl

As the title suggests my Super Bowl was not spent eating everything in sight and enjoying the game. Of course, I got to see the game winning interception that pissed off Belichick. It made my night. So as I was sleeping and feeling crappy I decided to draw this sketch of the teams' logos to bookmark the day in my mind.