Wednesday, January 30, 2008

.aMy.'s a dull girl

It's been all work and no play for me today. I had class at 8:00 that I was almost late to. I found out that life is all about who you know when it really shouldn't be. I had a little bit of down time that I used to sleep, go with my boyfriend to fill out an application at Patterson Dental, and eat some J.J. That place is the BEST! I recently changed up my sandwich from a number 4 to a number 12.  Yeah- I like to live on the dangerous side. : )

Then I had class again at 6:00. Again- I was a little late but that is totally my fault. I was supposed to be giving my boyfriend directions to building D. It's not that I'm bad at directions- I'm awesome with direction when its just me. I can find my way around ANYWHERE. It's the whole remembering to tell the other person in the car (you know the one who's driving) where they're supposed to go. I have a tendency to forget he's not a mind reader. EEK.

But all was well. I found my way to Art History and as usual had a blast. 

I also found out that I'm going to have to miss the first portion of the Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Skillet concert on the 18th because I have a test in Art History. I suppose I could always leave class as soon as I finish. That wouldn't be too bad it just means I have to break down and study.
I finished my rough draft for class that's coming up at 8:00. I am super excited because I think I actually have this whole concept of advanced writing down now. It's only taken me forever to pick it up. I guess the only thing that really matters is that I got it. 

I'm so exhausted but Ryan gets off of work at 3 and I really want to hear his voice so I'm going to keep myself busy revamping my myspace page. It's in current turmoil because I have been too lazy to put the links into my newly created (back in September is new to me) div overlay. Yikes this thing is hard work. I think its totally worth it though to have something original that I made that represents me and doesn't really conform to the myspace standard. Eh. 

See you all in class. FYI- my next piece is going to (hopefully) be my crossWORDS of LIFE idea. It's wicked. Can't wait to set it in motion and show you all.

- .aMy.

1 comment:

Mark said...

Where is your weekly sketch?