Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Wishing it Spring

So I really haven't been doing too much in my sketchbook to be honest. I've been going through a lot lately with my family and my health. Things just haven't been good. I suppose I could use those emotions to influence more sketching but instead I put those emotions to use at work and getting the job done instead. Sorry this post is so short like I said I'm going through a lot and I'm pretty much exhausted. See you all in class on Monday I hope.
- .aMy.


Anonymous said...

i love this one amy!
love katie!

Patrick said...

Nice willow!!! And I hope things start looking up for you soon! =D

Allyson Brown said...

I'm sorry things aren't going well. They'll get better. Let me know if you ever need to talk to someone.

The weeping willow is really pretty.

Michael T Smith said...

There are some trees like that near my parents house. When they come back full I know its spring for real. UGGHHH... I wish it was spring already.

Mark said...

Sorry to hear that things aren't going so well.

As usual, your sketch is fantastic.