Wednesday, January 30, 2008

.aMy.'s a dull girl

It's been all work and no play for me today. I had class at 8:00 that I was almost late to. I found out that life is all about who you know when it really shouldn't be. I had a little bit of down time that I used to sleep, go with my boyfriend to fill out an application at Patterson Dental, and eat some J.J. That place is the BEST! I recently changed up my sandwich from a number 4 to a number 12.  Yeah- I like to live on the dangerous side. : )

Then I had class again at 6:00. Again- I was a little late but that is totally my fault. I was supposed to be giving my boyfriend directions to building D. It's not that I'm bad at directions- I'm awesome with direction when its just me. I can find my way around ANYWHERE. It's the whole remembering to tell the other person in the car (you know the one who's driving) where they're supposed to go. I have a tendency to forget he's not a mind reader. EEK.

But all was well. I found my way to Art History and as usual had a blast. 

I also found out that I'm going to have to miss the first portion of the Three Days Grace, Breaking Benjamin, Seether, Skillet concert on the 18th because I have a test in Art History. I suppose I could always leave class as soon as I finish. That wouldn't be too bad it just means I have to break down and study.
I finished my rough draft for class that's coming up at 8:00. I am super excited because I think I actually have this whole concept of advanced writing down now. It's only taken me forever to pick it up. I guess the only thing that really matters is that I got it. 

I'm so exhausted but Ryan gets off of work at 3 and I really want to hear his voice so I'm going to keep myself busy revamping my myspace page. It's in current turmoil because I have been too lazy to put the links into my newly created (back in September is new to me) div overlay. Yikes this thing is hard work. I think its totally worth it though to have something original that I made that represents me and doesn't really conform to the myspace standard. Eh. 

See you all in class. FYI- my next piece is going to (hopefully) be my crossWORDS of LIFE idea. It's wicked. Can't wait to set it in motion and show you all.

- .aMy.

Calm After the Storm

So the weather today was pretty crappy which put most everyone I'd encountered in a negative mood. I tried to stay positive and smile which wasn't easy with all this stress but I succeeded. I started off my day at a rush to get to class only to be early by half an hour. After class I ventured to my boyfriends place where I crashed and almost missed my doctors appointment which would not have been good. Got up, took care of that and then headed off to a long and boring night at work. Next to nobody came in to the store so we pretty much lost money by staying open. Bummer. I got off of work at 10:30- not that any of this really matters- to come home and take a long, hot, and VERY relaxing shower. After all that I settled down with my sketchbook, textbook and PMSing laptop to get down to my homework. 3 hours later I think I have officially sketched something I'm excited about. The theme for the following sketches would be my projected tattoos. The posts are self explanatory with their captions so I hope to receive a good chunk of feedback. I've always known that I'd draw out my own tattoos. The only thing is I can't decide where I want to put them all because this certainly isn't even close to the amount that I've come up with. Well- now after a long long long days work and running around I am off for a few good hours sleep before class with you all tomorrow morning BRIGHT and EARLY. (groans with a smile)
- .aMy.
 a rough idea sketch of my future back piece.

a larger and more in depth version of a portion of my back piece. this is to represent the luck portion of my iLove idea.

future tattoo of the cheshire cat
this is a definite ankle piece- its my zodiac which is Virgo- that I've done up all fancy like.

Saturday, January 26, 2008

pain and disappointment

The title sounds like a lot more than it really is. I'm in a lot of pain right now because my wisdom teeth are coming in hardcore and I'm still sick. It's pretty sucky. The disappointing thing is that I'm not really happy with my first sketchbook page. I thought I was but the only thing that I really like out of it is the writing. I'm currently in the process of revamping that page (meaning I've started over) and I'm working on another page. That page is still in its brainstorming phase because my boyfriend can't figure out what he'd like me to draw for him. I think he'll just be inspiration for that page. In drawing class we're working on a lot of perspective, contour line and gesture sketching. I think I might incorporate some of those lessons into my next few pages. I'm a multi-tasker and that sounds like a good idea.
Good night.
*PMs and cold pillows I'm out like a flame*

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

What's new...

So basically I haven't had much time to work on my sketchbook this weekend because of a crazy work schedule that leaves me completely exhausted and well on top of being sick I've been pretty much dead. Now I'm back on track and I should get some done in my sketchbook tonight. Maybe before midnight maybe not but I already have a lot of time invested into it right now. I'm pretty happy about it. Well off to answer questions.
Good Night!

Saturday, January 19, 2008

They're FINISHED!!

So, after spending a great deal of time this weekend on my sketchbook, the first two pages are finished. I am talking about my cover page and my first official page. So heres the final pieces.
Finished cover:: ^ 
Finished First Page:: ^

Friday, January 18, 2008

Food for Thought Progress

So my first actual page is called food for thought. I found some interesting lines and quotes that really made me think. I liked them a lot and plan to use them to calm down or relax my mind again in the future so I felt my sketchbook would be the perfect place to put them. I plan to add color to my mini drawings and then in some cool writing style, color or combination of the two- add in my lines and quotes.

Food for Thought Progress:: ^

Works in progress::

So I spent about an hour last night on my sketchbook. First I worked out the composition of my cover. I know it sounds confusing that I'm making a cover so let me explain. My sketchbook has a transparent blue covering. So I always (whenever I get a new one) take some time to create a first page to act as my very own cover. This way its something that I can look at to think about myself when I'm trying to bring creativity to each of my pieces to be held within the book. Alright. So I set up how I wanted it to look in a few compositional sketches. Then I went and layed it out on the actual paper. Once I finished that, I placed in the center photograph, reworked some lines, then moved on to an actual page I'd thought through while looking for cover material. Neither page is finished yet but both are started nicely. I thought I'd put on here my progress on my pages as of yet. Helps me keep track of how I've been working and it lets you guys get some ideas for your pages.

Cover Progress:: ^

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Where do I start?

I suppose the best place to start would be with a cover. Most likely my cover will consist of a nicely arranged bunch of icons. Like so many who explore the web on a daily basis or maybe hourly depending on the addiction- I'm a big fan of icons. It can't be just any icon though. There is a certain "style" that appeals to me most. What is that "style"? Not quite sure yet! I am off in search of some cover material. =]